
Jun 20, 2021 Image

We humbly offer our condolences…

We humbly offer our condolences and our congratulations to the Wali al-Asr (Imam al-Mahdi) – may our souls be sacrificed for him – on the Shahadat that develops humanity and the joining to the

May 03, 2021 Image

The disaster that took place on that day…

The disaster that took place on that day when Imam Ali (A) was martyred was full of heavy losses for the world of Islam and for the history of Islam. Once more, they made the world of Islam void of

Apr 15, 2021 Image

This Islamic Revolution is the same line…

This Islamic Revolution is the same line as the Prophet’s Be’that, which throughout time had been faded before that, but our magnanimous Imam managed to bring it to light and to show the

Apr 01, 2021 Image

General Robert Huyser, says in his memoirs…

General Robert Huyser, says in his memoirs that he had been allowed by General Harold Brown to prevent the overthrow of the Shah’s regime by any means possible, even at the cost of killing tens of

Mar 28, 2021 Image

Greetings and salutations be upon you…

Greetings and salutations be upon you, O’ Baqiyatallah (Imam al-Mahdi) upon the earth. Greetings be upon you, O’ Allah’s firm pledge. Greetings be upon you, O’ Allah’s promise – a promise

Mar 27, 2021 Image

We must prepare ourselves so that if…

We must prepare ourselves so that if – Insha Allah – we are successful in meeting Imam al-Mahdi, we must prepare ourselves in a manner where we aren’t ashamed in front of him. All the